
Ardent Tears: Awakening - an Epic Psychological Fantasy

Created by Ardent Worlds Publishing

Join us in bringing the physical release and audiobook of Ardent Tears: Awakening to life!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We're on to the final checks!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 02:46:55 PM

We are thrilled to announce that Ardent Tears is moving on to the final checks before being sent off to the printers. It has been formatted and a total of four appendices have been added, including a pronunciation guide.

As soon as we get the manuscript back from the editor the edits are made, it will be going straight to the printers, full speed ahead. Thank you all for your patience; we apologise for all the delays. 

While we wait for the edited manuscript, we'll leave you all with a sample of the updated cover.

A Quick Update
3 months ago – Sat, Jun 15, 2024 at 02:17:36 PM

Hello everyone. We apologise for the lack of updates since the release of the audiobook. We're working as hard to get the physical book ready for release as soon as possible. There were some unfortunate delays as our artist had to focus on some other work until recently, but they are back to working on the cover. As soon as they are done, we will be sending it off for finalising the typography and formatting and then it will be on to the printers. For those of you who are still waiting on a special thank you message from the author, she will be recording them this week. Other than that, we promise to be quicker with future updates and we wish you all a joyful weekend.

The Audiobook is Live!
7 months ago – Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 10:37:41 AM

We have exciting news for you all. The audiobook is now live on audible  We are currently working on getting the codes distributed to everyone who pledged on any of the tiers that come with the audiobook as one of the rewards. We will also be distributed the eBooks as well.

We hope this will be a fairly smooth process, but we are aware of a few complications that might arise. If you do encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to email the author at [email protected]

Alternatively, you can check out the audiobook on audible here:

You can reach your regional storefront by changing the "," to whichever is used by your region, ".com" being the equivalent for the US.

May you all enjoy this absolute delight for your ears. 

We're sending out the smoke test for the Surveys
8 months ago – Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 04:15:34 AM

Later on today we'll be sending out a smoke test of our surveys to a small number of backers to ensure everything is working as it should and nothing is amiss. For those of you who do not know, this means that we'll be sending the survey to 5% of backers at each tier (chosen at random). As soon as everything is confirmed to be as it should be, the rest of the surveys will be sent out.

Please keep an eye on your inboxes this next week and fill out the surveys when you get them so that we can send out the first wave of digital rewards as soon as possible.

If there are any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us or backerkit support.

Reward Surveys Are Almost Ready
8 months ago – Sun, Jan 21, 2024 at 09:40:33 AM

The reward surveys are almost ready and will be sent out via Backerkit at some point over the next few days. We look forward to seeing your responses and moving on to the next stage of the project.